Gauze evening dress with silk sash, ca. 1865
Contributed by Maine Historical SocietyDescription
An 1867 issue of Peterson's Magazine essentially announced the beginning of the American bustle era. This white evening dress reflected that fashion edict with its flat, plain front, and a skirt gathered at the back.
The gauze or cotton organdy dress is constructed of four pieces - bodice, overskirt, petticoat and sash. The overskirt features large scallop embellishment and is trimmed with ruffles along the bottom edge. The green color of the sash reflected with an encased green silk ribbon.
The wide green sash pictured on the garment is a replica. The original sash, which survives, is too brittle to dress. It is made from two widths of taffeta ribbon joined together to create a wider sash, and features fringed ends.
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